Ghee is one of the most versatile ingredients in Indian cuisine, which can be taken as such or can be added with other foods. The richness and distinct flavour of ghee is a delectable source goodness which is sure to take us down the road of nostalgia.
The method of process and manufacture of Ghee is another important factor which determines its nutritional factor and benefits. The best preferred way of processing ghee is by the traditional bilona method, which is an ancient way followed throughout history. The difference between bilona and commercial method of churning ghee is that for commercial ghee is made using cream removed from milk. This ghee made from cream is not authentic ghee as it does not contain the medicinal properties and nutrition’s found in real ghee and can simply be called as milk oil.
Any other Ghee not made through the bilona method is not advised to be taken regularly. In the original method of making Ghee, we let the good gut-friendly lactobacilli to act on milk to turn it into curd, which contains gut-friendly microbes from which we produce the gut-friendly elixir of Ghee. In the manufacture of commercial ghee, most use chemicals for the curdling of milk and prepare the Ghee.
Furthermore, in the bilona method of ghee preparation, it takes nearly 20 to 25 litres of milk to make 1 kg of Ghee after a long time of hand churning, where as in the commercial method of preparing ghee from cream of milk, all it takes is heating of the cream to change it into ghee, during which process all the minerals and vitamins also get burned. This is one of the main reasons why people prefer bilona ghee even though it’s slightly pricey compared to commercial ghee. Bilona is one of nature’s taste of goodness that contains all the essential nutrients and medicinal properties.
Truly Mother’s love A2 Gir Cow Ghee is made using Indian Gir cows which have been fed highly nutritious grass. Our process of making Ghee through bilona method is 100% natural and pure. We are very careful during the entire step of Ghee preparation and check for the purity and quality of the product at each and every step.